Chelioplasty Lip Reduction Surgery
Why Have Lip Reduction Surgery?
If you look closely at women in fashion magazines, you will notice that they commonly project the pout. It seems as if the bigger the lips that you have, the better your chances at becoming a supermodel are. But big lips are not always better. Some people want full lips to look beautiful, but the fact remains that a lot of these folks are not aesthetically comfortable with lips that are too big. Younger people usually prefer to hide features like these, as they find that it may become a source of ridicule for them in social circles.
Aside from being the most prominent part of the lower third of the face, the lips have been a very important feature of the human body. It is used for eating, speaking, and have been an important part of day-to-day communication, either via speaking or by conveying emotions. Abnormality in its size and constitution may affect the aforementioned functions. Lips that are too large might keep you from showing people exactly what you mean—or might lead to people assuming that you meant more than what you just said.
Lip Surgeries, Lip Reduction, Lip Augmentation.
Fortunately, there are a lot of lip surgeries available. We have lip reduction, or cheiloplasty, the purpose of which is to reduce the size of the lips. Lip augmentation, on the other hand, aims to make the lips bigger, or fuller. Lip lifts are used to minimize the distance between the lips and the nose, and may actually make the lips fuller and more pleasing in appearance. There are also other lip reconstruction surgeries which are designed to fix damaged tissues or abnormal lip growth, such as cleft lips. Lip surgery procedures to repair scar tissue are also available.
What is Lip Reduction Surgery Or Cheiloplasty?
Lip reduction surgery, or cheiloplasty, is the procedure that is offered for people with lips that are too large. Its aim is to eliminate excess lip tissue to minimize the appearance of large or protruding lips. The procedure entails the process of forming an artificial part of the lips via the useage of healthy tissue taken from other similar parts of the body.
What Type Of Patient Benefits Most From Lip Reduction Surgery?
Lip reduction surgery is for you if you have an over-sized lip, a lip overinflated surgically, or an imbalanced lip that is either lopsided or non-symmetrical. Some genetic lip flaws or problems that have been the result of previous surgeries are also welcome to be corrected through lip reduction.
How Is Lip Reduction Surgery Performed?
The lip reduction surgery procedure can be undertaken either with a local or a general anesthesia. Some plastic surgeons use Light Sleep anesthesia. An incision is made either inside the lip or by the border of the lips as preparation for the procedure itself. The entire procedure will last for about 15 to 30 minutes, and should be healed in about two weeks.
Numbness, mild discomfort, swelling, and difficulty in eating, are some of the things that you may experience after lip surgery.
Like any other cosmetic surgeries, a patient needs to be in good health and mental shape before going through this operation. The discomfort and distress that one would experience during recovery requires a patient’s healthy mind and body.