Neck Lift
What Is A Neck Lift?
A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck and treats: excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls, excess fatty deposits under the chin, loose neck skin.
Some people feel they are not ready for a full neck lift because the upper face is still pleasing. However, many patients will note excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin or “turkey wattle” and jowl lines. When the neck area doesn’t match the upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be a good solution.
Do You Need A Neck Lift?
Women and men alike neglect the appearance of their neck but it is one of the first places where the signs of aging begin to appear. Additionally, sun damage or extreme weight loss may contribute to a person’s neck looking loose, saggy, or aged.
While we go to great measures to preserve or improve the appearance of our facial skin, it is equally important to take care of our neck. If your neck skin appears to have lost its natural elasticity and sags, or if there is excess skin or fat that you wish to remove, neck lift surgery is an excellent solution to restore a smooth, slender appearance.
What Are The Neck Lift Procedures?
Neck lift surgery is actually a set of procedures used to enhance the appearance of your neck and is one of the most transformative procedures in cosmetic medicine. There are several specific procedures that may be involved in a neck lift. These include:
- Cervicopalsty: Also known as excess neck skin removal, a cervicoplasty utilizes an incision well hidden under the chin and behind the ears. From these discreet incisions, our neck lift surgeons can lift the skin in the neck, eliminating any excess that contributes to a saggy appearance.
- Platysmaplasty: Platysmaplasty is performed to reduce the banded appearance of the neck. During the procedure, a single small incision will be made under the chin. Our board certified plastic surgeons will insert a small instrument to remove a portion of the specific neck muscles and then suture them together like a corset to properly realign them to where they were in your youth; this will tighten the middle area of the neck.
- Neck Liposuction: In order to provide among the best neck lift Philippines has to offer, our neck lift plastic surgeons sometimes employs liposuction to remove excess fat in the neck area. While this can decrease underlying volume in the neck, the neck lift itself is still crucial for a beautiful result. Especially for patients with poor skin elasticity, neck liposuction needs to be combined with a lifting procedure, as this is the only way excess skin can be removed.
Even if your skin and face are smooth and wrinkle-free, a sagging neck can be a dead giveaway as to how old you really are. The combination of fat removal via liposuction followed by a neck lift can give you a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
Neck Lift Surgery With Minimal Incisions and Scarring
The neck lift surgery is accomplished by making cuts under your chin or behind your ears or both to access a neck muscle called the platysma. In some cases, a neck lift may even involved removing some muscle.
Neck Lift surgery is one of the safest and most reliable in plastic surgery. With the advances made in surgical technology over the past decade, modern neck lift surgery can be performed with minimal incisions and scarring while generating exceptionally natural-looking results.
What Are The Risks Of Neck Lift Surgery?
The decision to have a neck lift is extremely personal. You will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals, and if the risks and potential complications of a neck lift are acceptable.
Medical risks and complications although infrequent have risks and complications during any type of surgery. Complications from a neck lift include: bleeding, bruising, complications of anesthesia, damage to the facial nerves controlling muscles which is normally temporary, hematoma, infection, numbness which can improve within days or weeks, skin necrosis, or tissue death,
What To Expect After Neck Lift Surgery.
After surgery you will be fitted with a compression bandage that you will have to wear for at least one week unless instructed otherwise.
Some degree of swelling and bruising is common after a neck lift. Cold compresses can be used to keep swelling to a minimum.
It is important to keep your head elevated when lying down. While you should remain mobile during your recovery, motion that is too rigorous must be avoided.
In some cases, a drainage tube may have been inserted during surgery. This will be removed on the first or second day after surgery along with any dressing that may have been applied.
Recovery And Healing After Neck Lift Surgery.
Recovery takes anywhere from one to two weeks for most patients, though many patients go back to work in a week. Patients should avoid any rigorous activity for at least two weeks post surgery.
Neck lift results gradually improve over time, even after a patient has healed from surgery. The final results of your neck lift are usually achieved within six months of the surgery.