Eye Lift surgery
The Eyelid Aging Process
Aging, of course gravity and sun damage combine to make the skin of your eyelids less elastic causing excessive skin to collect on the upper and lower eyelids.
On the upper eyelids, an extra fold of skin can hang over the eyelashes and get in the way of seeing. This is caused by the skin of their eyelids to sag so much that it begins to obstruct their vision.
The fat that cushions the eyeball from the skull can also cause bulges in the upper and lower eyelids. The thin membrane that holds the fat in place weakens with age, letting the fat come forward into the lids like a hernia.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Eye Lift Or Eye Lift Surgery?
Appearance wise, if your upper eyelids look saggy, it can make you look tired, old, and not engaging. So getting rid of that redundant skin on the upper lids can make a dramatic difference.
Eye lift or eye lift surgery can enhance your appearance and help build your confidence. Eye lift or eye lift surgery (also called blepharoplasty), reduces bagginess from lower eyelids and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids.
This surgery is usually done for cosmetic reasons. It’s also an effective way to improve sight in older people whose sagging upper eyelids get in the way of their vision.
What Are The Risks Of Eye Bag Removal Surgery?
With eye lift or eye lift surgery, there are potential risks and complications. The major risks of eye lift or eye lift surgery include infection, bleeding, scarring, inability to close the eyes, dry eye, abnormal eyelid position, double vision, and loss of vision.
How Is Eye Lift Or Eye Lift Surgery Performed?
When it comes to cosmetic surgery, a blepharoplasty or “eye lift” is one of the simplest, safest, and most effective procedures you could undergo.
The eye lift procedure usually takes about two hours if both upper and lower eyelids are done together. Your doctor will most likely use local anesthesia (a painkiller injected around the eye) with oral sedation.
The eye lift or eyelift surgery surgeon will usually cut along the natural lines of your eyelids. Through these cuts, your surgeon will separate the skin from the underlying tissue and remove the excess fat and skin (and muscle if indicated).
Following the eye lift incisions, the eye lift or eye lift surgery surgeon will close those cuts with very small stitches. The stitches in the upper lids will stay for three to six days. Thanks to the natural folds of your eyelid, any scarring is basically hidden and will disappear.
Eye Lift Or Eye Lift Surgery Recovery!
For an upper eye lift, the bruising and swelling tend to be minimal. You will need to arrange for another person to drive you home after your surgery.
As we all recover differently, some people experience more swelling and bruising than others, but that typically goes down after a couple days. Tiny sutures that were put in will be removed after 3 to 5 days, and by day six you can apply makeup and not tell anything was done.”
During that first 24 hours, you’ll likely have to ice your eyes regularly to keep the swelling down. You may also have to apply drops or topical lubricants for a few days, or take antibiotics to prevent infection.
Will The Results Of Eye Lift Surgery Be Permanent?
Upper eye lift or eye lift surgery can last at least five to seven years. Of course, your eyes will still age after the procedure.
If your lids sag again, a forehead lift rather than another eye lift may be the preferred procedure.