Steroid Injection
What Dermatology Conditions Are Treated With Steroids?
Did you suddenly have red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. Many substances can cause such reactions, including soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants. Dermatitis refers to a group of itchy inflammatory conditions that is not contagious or life threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable.
Acute eczema (or dermatitis) refers to a rapidly evolving red rash, which may be blistered and swollen. Chronic eczema (or dermatitis) refers to a longstanding irritable area. It is often darker than the surrounding skin, thickened and much scratched.
If you have mild or moderate eczema, steroids applied to your skin may be all the medicine you need. Steroids, are natural occurring hormones made by the body, have been used to treat common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Steroids used correctly are safe and effective, and side effects are rare.
Do you have Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission.
If you have mild or moderate psoriasis, steroids applied to your skin may be all the medicine you need. Steroids, are natural occurring hormones made by the body, have been used to treat common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Steroids used correctly are safe and effective, and side effects are rare.
What Are Steroids?
Do you have common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Steroids applied to your skin may be all the medicine you need. Steroids, are natural occurring hormones made by the body, have been used to treat common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Steroids used correctly are safe and effective, and side effects are rare.
What Are The Side Effects Of Steroids?
Steroids used correctly are safe and effective, and side effects are rare.